Android application blog:
I used these applications for my Android
mobile, these applications are for 2.1
(Eclair) and up, Just sharing information & experience off these apps. with you people, this blog has the following sections:
I-General Applications [18 apps.]
II-Photo / pictures [4 apps.]
III-Players [2 apps.]
i-Brain Games [7 apps.]
ii-Strategy or Defense Games [10 apps.]
iii-Action, Gun, Shooting Games [9 apps.]
iv-Vehicle (Car, Bike, etc) Games [13 apps.]
v-Versus fighting Games [5 apps.]
vii-Other Games [12 apps.]
V-Few useful websites
VI-Bad links to download applications
*-*-*-*-* General Applications *-*-*-*-*
1- Astro File
Manager 4.5 stars out of 5
Good file manager even unzip the zip folders, the problem I have that if you have copied anything from ‘Home’ of astro file manager then if you go up by touching up icon, it simply can’t paste it there, as paste option disables itself.
Size: 441.6 KB or 3.45 MB
Downloaded reference:
2- Advanced Task Killer 3.5 stars out of 5
It’s free and mandatory, because applications even after closing do run in the background and whenever you power on your mobile all applications start in the background and it exhausts phone’s battery. The good thing is that it’s very light and fast running application. It's new version 4.0.2 was not working properly on my mobile and no reply came from their support.
Size: 256 KB or .25 MB
Downloaded reference:
3- LauncherPro (Version 0.8.5) 3.3 stars out of 5
It was praised and appreciated too much on the reviews and all that, that its 3D graphics are far better than android, so I installed it, but I was not impressed that much with LauncherPro, whenever I start my mobile or press home button from any application, mobile ask to launch LauncherPro or default mobile screen, which makes it so tedious and your mobile use become slow.
Application Name on download link: LauncherPro-0.8.5.apk size
Size: 2274 KB or 2.220 MB
Downloaded reference:
4- ConvertPad 4.5 stars out of 5
Excellent converter, it has more converter units then we can expect, if you need a converter on your mobile which converts from one unit to another then certainly this converter is for you.
Application Name on the download link: ConvertPad - Unit Converter
Size: 697 KB or 0.680 MB
Downloaded reference:
5- Total Recall (Version 1.8.5) 3.5 stars out of 5
I had mix experience with this application, call recording was not recording in wav format for any strategy on my mobile, 'Recording Strategy A' never in any format record the voice on which the application is installed, 'Recording Strategy B' is proved to be more suitable for my mobile with 3gpp format, they should provide any information regarding which strategy is suitable or work for which mobile, it has 3 strategies, however, it can record calls in 4 different formats 3gpp, mpeg4, amr & wav if any strategy suits your mobile.
Size: 1647 KB or 0.012 MB
Downloaded reference:
6- Go SMS Pro 4.2 stars out of 5
Easy to eyes graphics, fast and has so many features, I installed it because Xperia Mini Pro has threaded SMS which I did not like so I thought it would have its own way but it also become threaded, but I like this application for many reasons.
Size: Varies from 704 KB (5.5 MB) to 1182.72 KB (9.24 MB) depends on different versions
Downloaded reference:
7-MY SMS (Version 6.3.2) 4.2 stars out of 5
Good: Light application with good User Interface with good overall feel, can be used to SMS through the computer via web, Deletes SMS faster than my mobile's default application for SMS
Size: 33MB
Download link:
8-Handcent SMS for Android (Version 3.7.5) 4 stars out of 5
Gives no. of sms received from a particular contact, its quick action has features which are mostly dependent on internet connection, yes you can send one sms to multiple contacts, but how to make groups is still not very clear to me, it has speak feature but need to install recognizer, quick text etc are normal features for other sms application as well. The feature that I liked is that if the sms did not reach the recipient/ recipients it shows small red cross with the contact name.
Size: 3.10 MB
Downloaded reference:
9-SketchIt Online [Draw & Guess] 3 stars out of 5
It allows you to sketch and other people do guess it, but not user-friendly when it comes to say yes that the other user guessed the solution, it has chatting option as well, and the user can create profile as well, but the application should have option of offline sketching which can be used for practice, all in all a reasonable application.
Size: 2.9 MB
Downloaded reference:
10-Bluetooth File Transfer 4.4 stars out of 5
Very good file transfer via Bluetooth application, it is also very good in exploring SD card and the mobile device itself, I had download it because the option of sending multiple photos was not available in my phone, so it gave me the solution.
Size:1.9 MB
Downloaded reference:
11-PhotoWall Live Wallpaper 3.5 stars out of 5
It is basically a slide show which you can change its layout, Animation interval, Photo effects of your photos from phone album, your Picasa web photo albums, your own Facebook & tagged photos, it can also be upgradable.
Size:2.4 MB
Downloaded reference:
12-How to Draw - Easy Lessons 3 stars out of 5
It has some complex picture which is taught that how you should start drawing then in few basic steps, but when it comes to give option of drawing it by yourself then this application does not provide much of variations, all in all an ok application for those who like drawing, it could have been great if this or such application also goes online and sketching maniacs share ideas with each other.
Size:16 MB
Downloaded reference:
13-Tape-a-Talk Voice Recorder (Version0. 4 stars out of 5
Records even the dimmest sound, from setting user can set High Quality, Sample Rate (16kHz, 22kHz,32kHz & 44.1 kHz), Sample Format (PCM 8 bit and 16 bit by default), Force Screen on, Seek by volume Keys, Select orientation etc.
Size:188 KB
Downloaded reference:
14- Firefox Browser for Android 3 stars out of 5
I would like to compare everything of it with my Sony Xperia Sola browser (HTML5, Adobe Flash) unfortunately it is not as fast as Xperia’s browser and the thing that hurt me the most is that it does not play videos, whereas my Sony Xperia Sola phone’s browser (HTML5, Adobe Flash) very fast start playing videos.
Size:67.53 & it varies with device
Downloaded reference:
15-English to Urdu Dictionary 3 stars out of 5
This dictionary has few issues like it lacks words e.g.: Charade, Concurrency, Shopper etc if you search these words nothing happens, but the dictionary has words like Concurrent and Concurrently, it does not
give suggestions for misspelled words and when the word is searched there is a button
on top left which say speak, but it does not really work, the good thing is
that it’s a light software, runs fast & hardly crashes, all in all just an
ok dictionary.
Size:1.2 MB
Downloaded reference:
16-Life reminders 4.5 stars out of 5
It’s a very good light application for you to remind you your important tasks. It has reminders in the form of Call, Notify, Sms and Mail, some features like Email, Weekday selection etc are
not in the free version, Sms has a limit of only 3 contacts in free version, it automatically send sms if you have checked ‘Send without confirmation’, In notify section in Note it has Speak, it has many settings even in free version like Theme, Selection of Notification Ringtone, Enable Quiet hours, Transfer to Dropbox, Auto Backup, Backup history, Text to speech preferences, Notification pop-up (additional to notification bar) and notification icon kept on notification bar till you make it done etc
Size: 2.2 MB
Download reference:
17-Android Antivirus (Version 1.6.5) 2 stars out of 5
Good: Fast in scan, and does not keep much of the memory of device,
Bad: I don't remember even once that it had find any virus and then deleted it.
Size: 242 K
Downloaded reference:
18-Power Toggles (Version 6.0.4) 3 stars out of 5
Good: Customizable and does work even if the screen is locked ,
Bad: The only & biggest problem I am having with this is that its Audio toggle stopped working after the upgrade to Lollipop, other things do work though.
Size: 827 K
Download link:
*-*-*-*-* Photo / pictures: *-*-*-*-*
Probably the
best free photo editor android has with a camera option, it has almost
everything that you need in a photo editor, If I start writing its
features then half of the blog will only be of its features, the only
problem I had that it does not have time trigger photo facility.
Size: 989.44 KB or 7.37 MB
Downloaded reference:
2-Camera ZOOM FX (Version 3.0.2)
It has all the features that I wanted like OR digital zoom (up to 6x),
Timer, Burst Mode, Time Lapse, Stable Shoot [wait to capture picture till the mobile gets stable], Voice Activated, Collage etc. Very light & a very small size application. All in all a very good application.
Size:1.25 MB
Downloaded reference:
3-Paper Camera (Version 1.2b)
Good; enjoyable application that can help you to take pictures like of comic
books, sketch, printer & many other, its features are (under bracket
explanation are mine):
(Mix Brownish
shade in every object)
ii. Sketch Up
iii. Acquarello
(Looks to me Dark Comic
Boom and color that glaze over)
iv. Old Printer
(Dotted black objects with white background)
v. Neon Cola
(Outline color of objects but object is Black)
vi. Con Tours
Black of objects but object is White)
vii. Bleaching
(Acquarello with brownish
color on every object)
viii. Gotham Noir
(Dark Black White glaze
ix. Half Ton
(Dotted color printer)
x. Granny's
(As an old
Orange document)
xi. Pastel Perfect
(Pinkish shaded sketch)
User can increase or decrease Contrast, Brightness &
Lines of every feature, it has its own take a picture & gallery
tap buttons which directly takes to picture gallery.
Size:1.89 MB
Downloaded reference:
4-Photoaf (Version 3.2.5) 3.5 stars out of 5
Application for creating panoramas, Good: Quality of panorama images are good, Bad: user has the responsibility to take number of pictures in a manner that after process connects with each other to create panorama images.
Size:6.7 MB
Downloaded reference:
*-*-*-*-* Players: *-*-*-*-*
1- Vplayer
A very good player for flv, 3gp, mp4 video, when it is installed it automatically detects all flv videos on your mobile and list them, it has very good and light graphics on top of that.
Application Name on download link: Vplayer
Size: 5877 KB or 5.739 MB
Downloaded reference:
2- PowerAMP v1.0 build 230 (Full)
A player with good graphics and good sound mixer facility, play mp3, mpeg formats but does not play flv videos.
Application Name on download link: PowerAMP_v1.0_build_230_Full
Size: 2496 KB or 2.437 MB
Downloaded reference:
*-*-*-*-* Games: *-*-*-*-*
*-*-* Brain Games *-*-*
1-FreePlay Math Skills quiz (Version 1.0.0) 4.5 stars out of 5
Very good game for those who love Maths and like to solve
Mathematics questions in leisure time, it has very cool & calm graphics for the eyes, and especial thing of this game is
that it is absolutely 'Free'
Size: 6.16 MB
Downloaded reference:
2-Slice it! 4.5 stars out of 5
Geometry & finger touch skills related brain game, not that easy that you may think.
Size: 6703 KB or 6.54 MB
Downloaded reference: si160.apk
3-SPB Brain Evolution 4.2 stars out of 5
which has games for the mature people, challenge mind and test your
intelligence, those who like to play mind boggling, IQ test kind of
games will certainly like it.
Application Name on download link: com.spb.spbbe_2.2.7214
Size: 13647 KB or 13.327 MB
Downloaded reference:
4-Checkers Online (v7.10) 3.5 stars out of 5
It’s an online game, In rooms you play games against online opponents, rooms
can be made password protected/without password, there is Time limit for the
match/move, capturing option,timeout option can be set while creating a room,
there is also chatting facility in this game, you can also check leader-boards,
Game stats etc
Size: 5.9MB
Downloaded reference:
5- Mind Games 3 stars out of 5
The maturity level of the game is low of all the games, did not like it much, though it is a high rated game.
Size: 4.7 MB
Downloaded reference:
6- Brain Age Game 3 stars out of 5
The maturity level of this game is also low of all the games, did not like it much, though it is a high rated game as well.
Size: 3.5 MB
Downloaded reference:
7-Brain lab - brain age games IQ 2 stars out of 5
game was reasonably good but if does not crashes, especially when you
are offline then this game hardly runs crashes more on my device, till they fix it, I'll not recommend it at all.
Downloaded reference:
*-*-* Strategy or Defense Games *-*-*
1-SAMURAI vs ZOMBIES DEFENSE 2 (Version 2.1.0) 4.9 stars out of 5
Release the captured princess for this collect powers and face enemy waves. Good:
Excellent graphics, amazing characters of Heroes & Villains,
great storyline, hardly crashes, can be played in both modes Offline /
Room of improvement in music & you don't get Glu credit, unlike
some of their games as daily bonus which are useful to buy items
All in all if you like fighting, magic & defense game then this game is RECOMMENDED to you.
Size: 132 MB
Download reference:
2-Lair Defense: Dungeon 4.5 stars out of 5
very good defense game, here you
need to save eggs from different type of humans who have
different abilities, No matter how many times you report to them about
game crashing, you never gonna get their reply or anything. The other
problem with this game is that, there is no resume option for the game
if you have left the game in the middle. Music is good as well. It has 3
records and every record has 6 levels and every level has 8 games, here
these 3 records (Normal mode) become monotonous as user not able to
find much difference among them and this whole hierarchy of records so
on repeats for (Hell mode) as well. If you have won everything in the
game, then there is also 'Endless' mode of the game, here you can check
how far you can save your dragon's eggs........
Size:11 MB
Download reference:
3-Sentinel 3 4.5 stars out of 5
was addicted to this game till I managed to clear all of its levels, it
has great graphics, it has a Commander in every battle which fights
with the turrets, orbital ship weapons, automated drones etc, the things
that bothers me is that it crashes more then I bear, It continuous
music is not in relevance of the game but it can be stopped through
Options, on what basis Commander gets points which can be used to
increase its powers also ambiguous, & its
NOT for FREE, all in all a very good game with few issues.
Size: 28 MB
Download reference:
4-Tower Raiders 2 GOLD 4.3 stars out of 5
an addictive game, this term has been used with almost all the games,
but to me this word is for this game, if you know to defend your
crystals with the resources that you have or the resources that you gain
then play the game.
Size: 9886 KB or 9.7 MB
Downloaded reference:
5-Castle Defense 2 beta (Version 1.4.6) 4.1 stars out of 5
Reasonable graphics, great music, easily loads
& never crashed. Can be played offline as well. Bad: Very low daily bonuses. After playing not much diamonds the players get (To force purchase) but if you play regularly, can be managed.Waited for so long but Arena & Boss Rush modes are still in development
Size: 79 MB
Download reference:
6-Little Commander - WWII TD (Version 1.8.4) 4 stars out of 5
Reasonable graphics, ok music and reasonable game, easily loads
& hardly crashes. Don't need to worry if you don't have internet as this game is offline. When I upgraded from Android Kitkat to Lollipop this game continue working fine as few other games started CRASHING.Bad:No Daily bonuses.Very last few campaigns are very difficult to win
Size: 42 MB
Download reference:
7-World at Arms (Version 2.8.0) 4 stars out of 5
Good graphics & music, reasonable in loading. In daily bonus, users do get resources for fighting Bad: Only Online mode, when fighting users can only chose resources & clear bombs and nothing else, no positioning, no planning; nothing.
Size: 350 MB
Download reference:
8-Ancient Planet (Version 1.0.17) 3.9 stars out of 5
Good: This is probably the 1st Russian game I played, it's fast in loading. No need of internet. Bad:
No daily bonuses, Can't play survival mode till the user has finished the Normal mode.
Size: 119 MB
Download reference:
9-Empire defense (Version 1.1.0) 3.5 stars out of 5
Reasonably good game, but extremely difficult to even defend the empire at the '
very easy' level, its addictive too if you like games in which you have to '
defend' something.
Size:5.80 MB
Downloaded reference:
10-Clash of Kings (v5.19.0) 4.6 out of 5
You have your castle, with the
resources you upgrade the castle, troops and the equipment to protect it from enemy
invasion. You can create your empire/Alliance and upgrade it as well to become
the strongest empire in the game. Good: Good graphics,
excellent music, depth of the game. Bad: There
is no offline mode, though this game is free but without spending money it is
very difficult to upgrade the castle/empire and avoid continuous destruction.
All in all a very good game. It keeps you engaged.
Size: 1.61 GB
Download reference:
*-*-* Action, Gun, Shooting Games *-*-*
1-FRONTLINE COMMANDO: D-DAY (Version 3.0.4) 4.7 stars out of 5
Good: Amazing graphics, great music and an excellent game, easily loads & hardly crashes. In offline game has campaign for different 5 expeditions, in online mode Base Defense and Spy Sighted missions as well. Good range of weapons and Daily bonuses. A must game which makes you an addict.
Size: 335 MB
Download reference:
2-CONTRACT KILLER (Version 1.6.0) 4.6 stars out of 5
In this game contract is given as a hitman to you by security agencies.Good: Excellent graphics, Great great music, Great weapons, can be played in both modes Offline / Online.
Bad: There is no ending of missions, one type of missions may repeat, Daily bonus does not include glu credits which are more useful to buy any weapon.
Size: 100+ MB
Download reference:
3-CONTRACT KILLER: ZOMBIES (NR) 4.5 stars out of 5
good game, it loads easily does not take much time, and not crashes as
often as other heavy games, this game had the potential to be great but
the problem is that there is not much zoom may be because the shooter is
unfortunately on the wheel chair, which sometimes make you feel like a
spectator watching the action from distance, also you have to be online
for the consecutive 5th day to get coins, on 'Performance' you will not
be able to win a single coin, yes you may get $ from 'Survival Mode'.
Also it has good storyline, dialogues and relevant music, which you
don't often related to Zombie games.
Size: 453 MB
Download reference:
4-DEAD TRIGGER 2 (1.0.0) 4.1 stars out of 5
It's a zombie game. Good: Amazing graphics, Good music, different types of mission and all of them are good.
Bad: Very high prices to upgrade anything or play it for hours to upgrade anything, no offline mode.
Size: 525 MB
Download reference:
5-FRONTLINE COMMANDO: WW2 (1.1.0) 4 stars out of 5
It's another World war 2 game.Good: Excellent graphics, Great great music, can be played in Offline mode.
Bad: Does not have daily
bonus, no online mode, the most annoying thing is that you have to keep upgrade your weapons
Size: 2 GB
Download reference:
6-FRONTLINE COMMANDO (Version 3.0.3) 3.9 stars out of 5
Good: Excellent graphics, excellent music, good storyline, good weapons, Offline you don't need internet to play the game, all those who like action pact, shooting games will like it.
Bad: As I mentioned storyline is good but it seems that it targets a certain ethnicity for villains roles, I would have given it more than 3.9 stars but I lost all my progress from level 13 for no apparent reason and when I complained they just said 'We have added 500 credits for your trouble, as we cannot restore the progression'.
Size: 154 MB
Download reference:
7-Gun Zombie 2 (Version 2.0.0) 2.5 stars out of 5
Good: The game has some good graphics, music is also realistic and good
Bad: It does not have events, just kill the incoming zombies and that is it, only your hand is visible to use weapons, and this game is
ONLINE only.
Size: 75 MB
Download reference:
8-DEER HUNTER 2014 1 star out of 5
Excellent graphics, good music but crashes more than it
allows you to play it, uncountable patches are needed otherwise this version of
'Deer Hunter' will be a complete failure despite of so many good things. I
installed and played this game in January 2014 so they might improve on
crashing problem.
Size: 46 MB
Download reference:
9- Bazooka rabbit 3 star out of 5
to play, small in size does not take much of memory and entertaining
game but those who like to play mind boggling games may not like it and
find it bit childish.
Application Name on download link: Bazooka rabbit
Size: 3058 KB or 2.986 MB
Downloaded reference:
*-*-* Vehicle (Car, Bike etc) Games *-*-*
1-Tank Hero (Version 1.4)
Good graphics, good background
music, good fighting scenarios, You need speed & lot of skills to save
your tank, it has 3 main features 1-Campaign, 2-Survival and 3-Time trial and
each feature has 4 levels
Size: 10.1 MB
2-Death Moto
Reasonably a good game, in this game
you can enjoy two things at the same time i-Race ii-Destruction ? as you knock
down other riders by collecting weapons and then throwing at them.
What is lacks is normally all racing
games do is there are no breaks ? I wonder why this is so with almost all such
games, I don’t came across any vehicle without breaks.
Size: 10 MB
3-WARSHIP BATTLE:3D World War II (Version 1.1.4) 4.5 stars out of 5
Good: Graphics & music is realistic and good,
missions & episodes are also different and entertaining. Can be played
OFFLINE, which is a very good thing, and it hardly CRASHED.
Bad: There should also be an ONLINE
mode as well which should be multiplayer, this is not a bug but just a suggestion :)
Size: 79 MB
4-MUTANT ROADKILL 4 stars out of 5
Graphics are just ok to me, they are
not as great as other Glu mobile games, the other thing that I don't like is
that when you earn points and miles that you get; covers the whole screen so
you will not be able to see the road clearly, & one more thing that you
never get any coin for good performance, concept and thinking of the game is
good just need to check above mentioned things, all in all a good game.
Size: 30 MB
5-Road Warrior: Best Racing
Game 4 stars out of 5
It is violent race game, can be
played as a single player and online (Multiplayer), it lacks ‘Death race movie’
kind of excitement, graphics are not that great as well, Upgrades engines etc
can be done through money which is earned through races, good weapons can be
bought through money [Not free :)], music
is reasonable, but the excitement comes when you play online and earn points
and then have standings in a Season, all in all good game.
Size: Varies with device
6-Speed Racing 3.5 stars out of 5
In this game you don't have to race
with another vehicles, you just have to beat your own score but that score is
only for the standing list and that list does not include the name of you but
of the car :(, score also does not help out to purchase anything, it is the
coin that matters for purchasing any power (Clearing fog, protecting from crash
for 10 seconds & repairing car) or to buy a better car, all in all a
reasonable game.
7-Highway Rider (Version 1.4.5) 3.7 stars out of 5
Not a racing game but rather a
dodging or a 'close call' game as you get Gas Caps when you go pass from a
close range of any obstacle or vehicle, these Gas Caps are like money here,
there are 2 different rides 'Arcade' and 'Fugitive' with not much difference
but has different characters who look different but behaviors are almost the
same, reasonable graphics and music, good part comes when your rider crashes
and the rider's whole injuries start coming in a list and then the amount the
rider spend in hospital, Light game to load does not crash much, all in all; a
reasonable game.
Size: 47M
8-Smash Cops Heat (Version 1.10.05) 3.7 star out of 5
Different type of
Police missions game. Good: Graphics are great, Good missions of
different types. Bad: Music is not that good, very difficult to
drive the car and some missions are very difficult to accomplish.
Size: 152M
9- Paper Wars (Version 1.20) 3.4 star out of 5
Light game, Calm graphics for eyes,
but could have more features in the game.
Size: 180.48 KB or 1.41 MB
10-GEARS & GUTS (Version 1.2.7) 3.2 stars out of 5
A reasonable game. Good: Variety of missions. Bad: Graphics can be improved. In daily
bonus, don't get all important Glu credits (Gold Coins). When I upgraded from
Android Kitkat to Lollipop at the start this game started CRASHING, unlike some
other games.
Size: 389M
11-INDESTRUCTIBLE (Version 3.0.0) 2.9 stars out of 5
A reasonable vehicle fighting game
but BAD if you are not able to buy
things, don't download it. Don't have daily bonus. In Single Player campaign if
you stuck against an opponent then you can't fight even your opponents of the
previous fights. Good: Can play
offline/Online both, Online is Multiplayer. When I upgraded from Android Kitkat
to Lollipop this game continue working fine.
Size: 101M
12-Drag Racing 2 star out of 5
Finishes in short time as this is
'Drag racing', reasonable game, if you like fast driving; gear, clutch
& their combination then you may like it.
Size: 6 MB
13-MOTOCROSS MELTDOWN (Version 1.0.1) 1.5 stars out of 5
Excellent graphics, concept of motorbike race and stunts with reasonable music but very poor implementation as it has so many
issues, as despite doing everything perfect in racing and having good skills,
you don't know what to do to, to avoid failed jump, also the game crashes a
lot, and the other thing is that you don't get rewarded for playing it daily
This game is made by glu but unlike their other games they alienated it with
glu credits, I wonder why...and one of the biggest issue with this game is that
this game can only be played ONLINE :(
Size: 87M
14-Armored Car HD (Racing
Game) (Version
1.2.0) 1 star out of 5This game is about destroying other racing
card. Good: Graphics are great, reasonable music.
Bad: There are no events in the game, all
its modes Standard, Survival and chase has nothing to engage user. Not
Size: 49M
*-*-* Versus fighting Games *-*-*
1-BLOOD & GLORY (NR) (v1.1.5) 4.2 stars out of 5
A Gladiator fighting game. Good: Great music and storyline, amazing graphics. Bad: You don't get daily bonus
Size: 137 MB
Download reference:
2-BLOOD & GLORY: LEGEND (v2.0.2) 3.9 stars out of 5
Again a fighting game of Gladiators. Good: Great music and storyline, amazing graphics. Bad: Game started CRASHING after I upgraded from Android Kitkat to Lollipop. Very little winning bonuses, if you can't play game day in & day out, then you have to purchase weapon etc
Size: 320 MB
Download reference:
3-Dragon Slayer (v1.1.2) 3 out of 5
A magician hero fights different types of dragons. Good: ok music, storyline & graphics. Bad: You don't get daily bonus, if the user looses then he cannot go back and win matches, he has to win that match
Size: 418 MB
Download reference:
4-Undead Slayer
I just didn't connected with this game,
there is not much guide how to fight in the game, and the characters
are too small in order to identify and characterized them, also you have
to be online to play this game which is also an obstacle, but actually I
am only the very few who did not like this game.
Size: 31 MB
Download reference:
5-King Fighter III
typical 80s game, everything from graphics, music to fighting skills
there is nothing new in this game you find in recent fighting games, so
if you like 80s fighting games then you’ll like it but if you like high
class graphics, background music and great fighting skills then you’ll
uninstall this game immediately.
Size: 16 MB
Download reference: From play store but cannot able to find the link
*-*-* Other Games *-*-*
1- Angry Birds (v1.5.3 Ad-Free) 4 stars out of 5
I downloaded an apk of Angry birds but it had problem, the game used to
hang and my mobile gets restarted 40% of the time, so I thought it
might be a problem with the apk, then from I
downloaded Angry birds but this problem in reality increased to 100% my
mobile always hangs & get restarted whenever I play this game.
(May be problem with mobile compatibility with this game).
Application Name on download link: Angry Birds v1.5.3_Ad-Free
Size: 17094 KB or 16.693 MB
Downloaded reference:
2-Angry Birds Rio (Version 1.0.0) 4.2 stars out of 5
similar to Angry Birds, the difference here is that here the birds
don't target the pigs but the original 'Angry Birds' are kidnapped and
taken to the magical city of Rio de Janeiro & you have to free
them (Smugglers Den), next level in (Jungle Escape) target Monkeys in
its 15th game there is a huge bird to be targeted,
below download link does not take to any further level, it has some additional features as well like '
Special hidden fruits' etc, and the most important thing is '
Angry Birds' always hanged on my mobile but '
Angry Birds Rio' not even once hanged on my mobile.
Size: 12754 KB or 12.4 MB
Downloaded reference:
3-Angry Birds Space 4.5 stars out of 5
very good game, I like this variation of Angry Birds most then any of
its games, in this game there is a concept of gravity or multiple
gravity for angry birds to use for their good, and in this one game
there are different worlds 9 of them with different features, this game
also found to be very compatible with my mobile, run smoothly and does
not hang.
Size: 48MB
Downloaded reference:
4-Angry Birds Go! (Version 1.13.9) 4 stars out of 5
A game in which Angry birds are racing. Good: Good graphics, 5 different types of tracks and each track requires a compatible car, each track has further good challenges Bad: When I downloaded the game, it can be played offline, but after few updates, it can only be played online. The main theme which was that all birds are heroes & all pigs were bad is shunned in this game, as even pigs are racing for you.
Size: 805 MB
Download reference:
5-Office Jerk Free 4 stars out of 5
or throw practice game where you can throw few of the things that you
can find in office, it has price version as well which gives you more
things to throw at the Office Jerk and he has more facial expressions
there, You can enjoy it is bit of fun and has comedy courtesy by the
Office Jerk.
Size: 16 MB
Downloaded reference:
6- 3D Bowling 3.5 stars out of 5
Simple bowling game, with 3D graphics, player can chose different types of bowls which depends on different scenes.
Application Name on download link: 103db
Size: 9318.4 KB or 939.81 MB
Downloaded reference:
7- Bowling Online 3D 4 stars out of 5
Multiplayer mode through this you can play bowling game with anyone in
the world and chat with that person as well, Singleplayer mode is for
your practice, with 3D graphics, player can chose different types of
bowls, themes which depends
on different scenes.
Size: 4.3M MB
Downloaded reference:
8- Tom cat 4 stars out of 5
cat great application for kids, my10 year old and specially 3 year old
nephews used to talk, touch & play with the cat the whole day
long and you can make video it etc. Basically it’s free; yes if you want
more things on this application then they do take charges.
Size: 1611.52 KB or 12.59 MB
Downloaded reference:
& (Developer's site with download of their applications)
9- Unique Rabbit (v1.1.3) 3 stars out of 5
light graphics easy to play game, does not take much of memory when
installed, player does not have to have a big strategy and all that to
proceed in the next stages.
Application Name on download link:
Size: 4063 KB or 3.967 MB
Downloaded reference:
10-Paradise Cove 3 stars out of 5
ok game, it feels good when you make houses, purchase ships &
hire explorers in short build your town, it also has a Mermaid that on
wage search the water & brings Coins, Rubies, and Pearls but
mostly it cost more than you get benefit from Mermaid, but the sad part
with this game is that, that it’s slow to progress, as earning coins
takes time to expand your town, hardly you are able to earn Ruby or if
you have played for consecutive 7 days then you earn 1 Ruby, and you
have to get online in order to start the game, you can’t start game
offline, and there is no account system, if you change your mobile or
using someone’s else mobile you have to start it all over again, and if
you have made 100 of houses etc then you have to tap them all to get
their coins ahh…..
Size: 26 MB
Download reference:
12-Temple Run 4 stars out of 5
A very good game, with sort of a unique
concept of running to save your life and while doing so collect valuable
Coins and from a novice runner to become a Treasure Hunter
Size: 23 MB
Download reference:
13-BOMBSHELLS: HELL'S BELLES (v2.0.0) 2.9 stars out of 5
An aeroplane dogfight game. Good: Reasonable music, amazing graphics. Bad: The game crashes a quite often especially for Time attack & campaign
Size: 564 MB
Download reference:
*-*-*-*-*-* Few useful websites *-*-*-*-*-*
1- (Some of the best apps on Android Market, as chosen by our staff. From games to everyday tools and entertainment apps, we highly recommend you try these out!)
2- (Top Android 2.1 apps to download to your Xperia X10 / X10 mini)
3- (Top 10 Android Applications In Android Market)
*-*-*-*-*-*- Bad links to download applications:-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
1- SpeechSynthesis ENG-USA Voice
Don’t download from:
It gets installed properly but did not play flv videos.
FlashLitePlugin.apk size 66kb
3- Total Recall Call Recorder Android Download full v1.5.0
Downloaded it from
Which took me to download TRA SignFile.apk of size 1345kb (zipped) from this link
this does not have any setup file.
4- VPlayer
The setup was not running from the following links for Vplayer
Don’t download from:
Don’t download from:
5-Tape-a-Talk Pro Voice Recorder v0.
Does not have a setup file
6.1- Cordy 1.45
Application Name on download link: Cordy 1.45
It downloads a zip folder which does not have an apk file.
Don’t download from:*(May be problem with mobile compatibility with Cordy game, as below downloads (6.2 to 6.4)were successful but not installed on my mobile)*
6.2- Cordy 1.3
Application Name on download link: Cordy1.3
Download link:
6.3- Cordy 1.3
Application Name on download link:Download link:
6.4- Cordy
Application Name on download link: Cordy
Download link:
7- Unique Rabbit
From the following link the ’unique rabbit game’ was not get installed
Application Name on download link: Unique_Rabbit_v1.0.6
Don’t download from:
8-Virtual Horse Racing 3D
It properly downloaded and then installed but the screen resolution does not support my X10 Xperia Mini phone, so the game alignment was totally out.
I like you people to contribute in this blog by passing comments & suggesting new applications. ;-)
Disclaimer: This blog is still under construction.