Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pakistan was not the division of Muslims of United India, it is the British & Indians who made it.

Pakistan was not created to divide the power of Muslims in 2 parts, there was a thinking that Pakistan and India would have great relation like the relation of USA has with Canada and Pakistan can give every type of support to the Muslims of India but stupid English left Kashmir issue between the two countries and then the hate story started.
And the other thing that I want to discuss and clarify is the misconception of the amount of Muslim population in Pakistan and in India.

Combine Muslim population of Pakistan + Bangladesh >>> Indian Muslim Population {Fact File}:
According to my research the Muslim population in India is less than the combine Muslim population of Pakistan and Bangladesh.
People say that Pakistani Muslim population is less than Indian Muslim population then why Pakistan came into being, well whenever we talk that Muslim population of Pakistan is less than the population of India then everyone should realize that when Pakistan came into being, Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan so the freedom achieve by Muslims of United India was more than the Muslims are right now suffering in India (Read Sachar Report for that link is in the very last of this common sense research).
I have pasted the websites first and then I simply copy pasted from these websites beneath that to prove that combine Muslim population of Pakistan & Bangladesh is more than the Muslim population of India, even some website say that Muslim population of Pakistan is more than the Indian Muslim population, I have done no addition and no subtraction in that, check for yourself:
Copy from the website:

Religion Statistics > Islam > Number of Muslim (most recent) by country

# 1 Indonesia: 195,272,000
# 2 Pakistan: 160,829,450
# 3 India: 154,500,000
# 4 Bangladesh: 129,681,509
Conclusion: Even only the Pakistani Muslim population is more than the Indian Muslim population according to the above mention website & so Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims >>> Indian Muslim population.

Copy from the website:
Country             Population in 2008 Muslim Percentage             Muslim Population in 2008
India                           1149.3 13.4                                        154.504
Bangladesh                  147.3 88.3                                          127.3286
Pakistan                       172.8 97.0                                          157.528
Conclusion: Even only the Pakistani Muslim population is more than the Indian Muslim population according to the above mention website & if you combine Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.

Copy from the website:
Country Population Percentage of Muslims Muslim Population
Indonesia 231,328,092 88.0% 203,568,721
Pakistan 147,663,429 97.0% 143,233,526
India 1,045,845,226 12.0% 125,501,427
Bangladesh 133,376,684 83.0% 110,702,648
Conclusion: Conclusion: This website even mention Muslim population of India is less than the Muslim population of Pakistan & if you combine Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.

Copy from the website: The Muslim population stood at 138 million
Conclusion: This website mention Muslim population of India is only 138 million which is less than Pakistani Muslim population & if you combine Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.
Copy from the website: Islam is India's largest minority religion, with Muslims officially constituting 13.4% of the country's population, or 138 million people as of the 2001 census.
Conclusion: This website mention Muslim population of India is only 138 million which is less than Pakistani Muslim population & if you combine Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.
Copy from the website: To bring it up to date -- Between 1961 and 2001, in absolute numbers, the Hindu population has grown from 366 million to 827 million - a growth of 126% while the Muslim population in the same period grew from 47 million to 138 million -- a growth of 193 per cent.
Conclusion: This website mention Muslim population of India is only 138 million which is less than Pakistani Muslim population & if you combine Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.
Copy from the website: India also is the home of more than 120 million Muslims--one of the world's largest Muslim populations.
Conclusion: This website mention Muslim population of India is only 120 million which is less than Pakistani Muslim population & if you combine Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.
Copy from the website: (Approx 150 Million) [Note that unofficial Muslim population is around 20%]
Conclusion: This website mention Muslim population of India is only 150 Million which is less than Pakistani Muslim population & if you combine Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.
Copy from the website: The Muslim population is supposed to have shot up to 138 million (13.8 crore)
This inflated figure of 138 million
Conclusion: This website mention Muslim population of India is only 138 million which is less than Pakistani Muslim population & if you combine Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.
Copy from the website: The Muslim Population in India is somewhere between 15-20 crores (150-120 million).
Conclusion: Pakistani Muslim + Bangladeshi Muslims then it is certainly greater than Indian Muslim population.
Pakistan was not the division of Muslims of United India, it is the British & Indians who made it:
Some say that the creation of Pakistan was wrong as it divided the Muslims in three parts, this was not the concept of the creation of Pakistan to divide the Muslims of United India, and it was the bad circumstances that were created by the British & Indians that made it so.
First of all Pakistan was created to give rights & the power to Muslims to rule themselves in their own majority territories and it was thought that a strong, powerful country like Pakistan will have a good impact on the Muslims of India as the relation between the two countries would be great as both countries would enjoy great relations & would have the same interest like the USA’s relationship with Canada but unfortunately the British left Kashmir problem hanging like a sharp sword on Pakistani, Indian necks which made our relations extremely bad and Indian stance on Kashmir of no right of self determination, no of choosing life of their own and anti democratic attitude towards this burning, nuclear flash point Kashmir bring this concept into limelight that the creation of Pakistan was the division of Muslims of United India, which was in fact very very wrong, it is India now which is responsible.
Summarised “Sachar Report” on Status of Indian Muslims
After reading “Sachar Report” on Status of Indian Muslims I have become more patriotic Pakistani.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Drone attacks & what Pakistan has got from "War on terror"?

Drone attacks against Pakistan in order to kill 1 Osama Bin Laden, this fool OBAMA will create 100000 Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and all around the Muslim world”.

USA should give Pakistan the proper and latest equipment to seal its border with Afghanistan then criticize Pakistan; I wonder how Americans can only blame Pakistan for Taliban attacks? Since all 35 NATO nations are in Afghanistan with their latest equipments USA itself is there with the number one technology in the whole world, Afghanistan should care about its borders but yet the whole world and specially USA blame only only only PAKISTAN.
We all know that
USA can't secure its easy border with Mexico with its world number one technology but they expect Pakistan to secure its Mountainous border with Afghanistan, i just wonder on the hypocrisy of Americans.
Pakistan Afghanistan border is a joint joint joint responsibility of all NATO and specially AMERICA & Afghanistan & then PAKISTAN.
Pakistan has lost more troops & civilians than USA or any other country for this so called war on terror.
USA and WEST first look at their deeds then point out their fingers on Pakistan, USA must must must give Pakistan the latest spying equipments otherwise they should not expect something from Pakistan which is not possible even from them. E.g. of it:
USA not even gave Pakistan Firefighting equipments just searched what happened at MARRIOTT hotel in Islamabad due to fire from suicidal attack.

Bush praises Pakistan in terror fight - South and Central Asia -

Dozens of soldiers missing in Pakistan tribal area - Yahoo! News
Pakistani army holds fire for funerals of 250
Pakistan troops die in gun battle
US-led coalition fire kills civilians
Pakistan bombards suspected Taliban hideouts
Pakistan blames US coalition for troops' death
Americans killing us & also militants
Militants attack
Pakistan forces near Afghanistan
etc etc etc
only such links list just goes on and on and on………
AND LIST GOES ON AND ON AND ONNNNNNNNN, All USA is doing providing ARMS & having nuclear deals to Pakistan’s number ONE enemy India and despite of that asking Pakistan to do all for them. WOW what a friend
USA is of Pakistan.

USA only like those democracy which supports its goals and objectives, they don't like truly elected democracy. Most current examples are Hamas (elected by people but rejected by
USA), Iran's president (elected by people but rejected by USA).
USA supported the dictatorship of Musharraf and they still not saying to him to leave the president house, now tell me what’s that?

USA has is just "double standards".

USA has done for Pakistan, in order to stop this, they must help Pakistan this is their duty, b/c if Pakistan leave USA in supporting in their so called fight against terrorism all suicidal attacks will start occurring in USA.?***

USA accused of infiltration from Pakistan to Afghanistan, but when Pakistan said that it will “mine” the Afghan-Pakistani border they said “NO”, when Pakistan said that it will “Fence” ” the Afghan-Pakistani border they said “NO”, & now they accuse Pakistan.
Bush approved secret orders for Pakistan raids: report

USA bad polices of killing innocents in Pakistan and by doing so unintentionally USA is recruiting for TALIBAN & for AL-QAEDA,
Liar America: After vows to respect sovereignty, U.S. strikes in Pakistan
On the other hand see what Pakistan has done for its so called fair weather friend USA:

Army: Pakistan troops capture militant stronghold

And now SWAT operation is a success.

Pakistan needs world's help & support to fight extremist b/c before helping USA in their fight against terrorism Pakistan never had such problems of talibans & Al-Qaida, Pak. never had a single suicide bombing before 2001, so specially USA and other countries should also help Pakistan.

Pakistani civilian victims vent anger over US drones


Search more terrorist who were killed by Drones, you will find more, but NOTE you must a heart of stone to watch them.

Drone victims:

Texas doctors to operate on girl burned in U.S. drone strike

US drones in Pakistan targettng funerals, rescuers ? ... solid investigation here:

"Drone Wars" that are slaughtering hundreds of its innocent civilians.

CIA drone attacks in Pakistan are responsible for unlawful killings, some of which could amount to war crimes, Amnesty International says.

To eradicate Extremism/Terrorism, we must........

World can not get rid of “EXTREMISM/TERRORISM” till we resolve the ROOT CAUSES.
The complete denial of world specially west of the issues that made extremist and terrorist is the real problem of this menace of terrorism, in Manawan attack on a Police training center BBC reporter said that “it is time for now Pakistani government to think about issues in Pakistan rather than Kashmir”, this statement clearly shows that west is alarmingly & still in denial mode of the root causes of terrorism.

The most important question is that, that how can we get-rid of this menace of terrorism? & what is the solution to this huge problem?

Is raging a war & invading one country after another going to help, of wining this war against terrorism?

The simple answer is
No! because after this war on terror started by the world under the leadership of USA, the world has become more dangerous place then it was before 9-11-2001, since only Pakistan (the front line ally of USA) had at least 150 suicide bombings in different parts of the country since September 11, 2001 when Pakistan chose to be a frontline state in the US-led war on terror. It has Killings of more than 5000 of innocent people and tens of thousands wounded, in which one of the suicide attack popular leader Benazir Bhutto was martyred. And the same situation of suicide bombings still going on or on a rise in Pakistan.

Check this link to know the consequences of this war on terror:

In reality the world can win this war on terror by eradicating the root causes of terrorism, And they are Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Burma etc etc because they are the breeding grounds of terror, terrorist organizations recruit people in the name of such long standing disputes & by resolving such disputes peacefully through dialogue, we can take out the ground on which these terrorist organization stand on and when these issues are peacefully resolved then terrorist organizations will not have any grounds to ask for money or any kind of support from the people to help them to liberate Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya etc as they will lose power in their speeches to attract youngsters to join them.
“I hope & pray that world especially west understand this otherwise the future of this world will become even more uncertain.”

To eradicate Terrorism, we must........

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My comments about the death of King of Pop "Michael Jackson".

There was no one like him who was as popular as he was all over the world where people don't even understand English, so many careers he started as so many people copied his style of dancing and make a career out of it for example "Sonu dangerous" of Pakistan make a career in dancing & singing by copying him, “Farah Khan” an Indian choreographer, Film director herself said in an interview that she decided to become a dancer when she first saw Michael Jackson's "Thriller", & how many trends he started are simply countless, we all will miss him for ever. It was a tragic end of a story which started with a bang of wonderful wonders, I don't know how many super stars will continue to self destruct themselves.